As a young person, you are constantly thinking of what is next. For many of us, school is always the next option up until we finish high school. However, after high school, you start asking yourself many questions. “What is Next?” Do I get a job? Do I go to University? Do I volunteer in my community? Do I start my own business? And most of all, how do I pursue these opportunities? Above all, you may ask yourself how my plan aligns with my values and beliefs. You may know the “What” but not know the “How” As the Friends Career Center team, we have all been there.

Although the world is battling the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that this is an opportunity for young people to come together and find sustainable solutions in their communities. The Friends Career Center was born out of an open discussion about our desire to see young people and their communities flourish. We believe our callings should not conflict with our personal beliefs and values. Moreover, founded on Quaker values of equality, simplicity, and fellowship, we believe each of us has a role to play in creating and building peaceful communities.
As the Friends Career Center, we want to help with your professional development by learning about your interests and skills, and guiding you to achieve your goals.