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Youth Professional Development & Career Guidance Seminar

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

On June 12, 2021, over thirty young adults gathered at the Friends Peace Garden located in Kigali, Rwanda, for a hybrid (in-person and virtual) career guidance seminar and community building. The objective of this seminar was to create an open space for young people to learn from one another and explore skills needed for their career growth. The seminar converged around topics such as how to build a professional profile, professional development opportunities, as well as finding career and spiritual mentors.

In between sessions, participants could share snacks and find time to network and learn more about each other’s passions and interests.

“During the seminar, I learned so many things, including how to use social media in a professional way, such as Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and also learned about email etiquette. I learned that you could use social media to build your professional profile. I thank the FCC for giving me a productive package. Thank you!” FCC career guidance seminar participant.

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